Make everyone’s life easier with these simple guidelines for submitting your content.
Materials must be submitted as both:
- an MS Word .doc (or .docx) with all graphics positioned correctly and embedded within the document to a sufficiently high quality (see Graphics section) for printing; and
- an identical high resolution PDF file with all fonts embedded. Use Acrobat Distiller and choose the job option Press-Optimised1.
File names
To avoid confussion all files should be named as follows:
Client Name_Short Title_Version.File Ext
for example:
APM_Annual Report 11_v1.doc
Having a version number helps us keep track if multiple versions are sent.
All copy should be proofread and publication ready with clearly distinguishable levels of headers and sub headers, references, captions, call-outs, notes, tables and figures.
Where possible, figures should be placed in then preferred position within the text and should include any figure reference and caption.
Some tables in Word will draw data from one or multiple external Excel files. Please ensure all Excel files are included.
First submissions of a Word document should be clean (no marked-up changes). Any subsequent versions of the same file must have ‘changes tracked’ to help us locate alterations.
Consider the quality of your graphics. Image quality is essential to how graphics reproduce. We can accept graphics in many different formats but we cannot improve low quality graphics without re-creating.
Embedding high quality graphics within a MS Word file can make the file very big and unmanageable. To avoid this, lower quality versions can be embedded in position BUT, the high quality graphics must be included seperately with your submission.
Do not use graphics taken from the web as the resolution of images intended for viewing on a screeen is not sufficient for printing.
If incorporating screen captures, bear in mind that the text may not be legible after reproduction. Using a screen capture tool and saving the file as a PNG, instead of the Print Screeen option of PCs, might help to improve the quality.
Graphic files should be supplied ideally in a vector format with all fonts converted to outline as .ai .eps .emf .pdf .cdr files.
If a vector file is not available .tif .psd .png or an un-compressed (Max Quality) .jpg file may be supplied. The resolution of the file should be 300dpi at final printed size.
Mathematical Formulae
Formulae will be treated as graphics in most publication to avoid errors when reformatting. Please ensure all formulae are legible on the high resolution PDF and have clear space around them.